
The Capacity Building and Skills Sharing for Climate Activists Program (CBSSCAP) is a six-month intensive capacity development initiative aimed at young African climate activists. It seeks to address the knowledge gap among activists about policy and UNFCCC processes to enhance their contributions to national climate policies. The program focuses on increasing awareness of tools for sustainable projects, promoting collaboration, and developing capacity for active participation in decision-making.

Climate change activism is gaining momentum globally, with Africa being disproportionately affected. Uganda, the focus of this program, faces significant climate challenges, particularly affecting vulnerable communities engaged in subsistence farming. CBSSCAP aims to equip activists with the necessary skills to address these challenges and contribute meaningfully to climate action efforts.


Young leaders play a crucial role in climate action, raising ambition and promoting sustainable solutions. CBSSCAP aims to empower young activists with knowledge on cross-cutting issues, NDCs, policy development, and UNFCCC processes to accelerate climate action at local and global levels.

Target Groups:

The program targets youth activists and leaders aged 18-28 from Uganda and Nigeria, focusing on 70% women and girls who bear the brunt of climate impacts. The selected participants will receive targeted support to overcome barriers such as limited access to resources, knowledge gaps, gender inequalities, and limited participation in decision-making.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Participants must be citizens of Nigeria or Uganda.

  • Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 28.

  • Applicants should demonstrate active involvement in climate activism or related fields, with a strong commitment to driving change.

  • Candidates should express a clear interest in learning about UNFCCC processes, policy development, and climate action strategies.

  • Participants must commit to fully engaging in the weekly sessions for the six-month program, including attending workshops, seminars, and other activities.

Additional Benefit:

Selected participants will receive a grant of $500 to implement an initiative in their communities, furthering the impact of their climate activism and contributing to local resilience-building efforts.


The Capacity Building and Skills Sharing for Climate Activists Program aims to empower young African activists with the knowledge and skills needed to address climate challenges effectively. By targeting 70% women and girls and overcoming barriers to participation, the program seeks to create a more inclusive and resilient future for vulnerable communities in Nigeria and Uganda.